Is limerence right for you?

Are YOU looking for a form of escapism? Want to avoid facing the realities of your own life? Looking to add some spice to your usual avoidant tendencies? Try limerence today!

100% effective against noticing red flags (both yours and others! ), 5% change of relationship sustainability.

Try today!



The buzz of a text.

You’re not addicted to those, right?

You can handle it if they don't message in the morning, right?

You still mean something as a human if there’s nothing waiting for you when you unlock your phone, right? ![[cleobasedthreads.png]]

Maybe you've been seeing them a while, maybe you've been married, maybe you're a "situationship", whatever the label, there's a secret one you've got for yourself.

It's the little voice inside you that says "I care more about this than them". Maybe it's how you started noticing things don't feel evenly reciprocated. Maybe you're outright getting called a simp by friends.

This is limerence.

You start making concessions for any “red flags,” finding yourself conveniently “not them though’ing” their character. Suddenly, you’re in their Spotify, noticing how their taste in music meshes perfectly with yours, a testament to their shared soul. You’re even entertaining the idea of hot yoga, despite hating that shit because it’s something they like to do.

You’re excited, you’re feeling that rush of validation, that sense of connection. You start making plans, dreaming about the future, getting swept up in the whirlwind of possibilities. And then, bam! You’re back in that anxious loop, constantly checking your phone, overthinking every conversation, trying to decode every text message.

It’s like everyone else is in black and white, and they’re in vibrant, Technicolour glory. They are catapulted to new heights, a different standard. Burn the world, I'd rather be with them

So what, it's wrong to really enjoy someone/ think they're great?

No. Let's not sink further into denial though, right?

You're allowed to love people. You're allowed to think someone is the bees knees.

However, that feeling, that all-consuming infatuation—it’s a trap.

It's a powerful, insidious thing. It makes you overlook red flags, ignore your own needs, and even abandon your sanity in the process.

You start questioning everything. Maybe this feeling isn’t real, maybe this isn’t it. Maybe you’ve been misled, maybe you're being played. You’re convinced that if you just analyse things more carefully, if you just look at the situation from a more rational perspective. You can't get out of thinking by... thinking.

==You end up being in a relationship with your own mind.==

==You convince yourself that it's just a “misunderstanding,” that they are actually just as obsessed with you as you are with them, but in a more subtle, mature way.==

And then you’re back in that “[[whoosh”]] again, back in that idealised bubble of the relationship, convinced that this is the real thing, that this is the one who’s going to finally understand you, finally love you, finally make you feel whole.
i love them they love me nothing else matters yay forever?

What if this is it?! What if you’re finally about to find the love you’ve always dreamed of?

You start making excuses for their behaviour, rationalising their inconsistencies, convincing yourself that it's all just a misunderstanding, a miscommunication.
Maybe they're just really busy, maybe they're just a little bit shy, maybe they're just going through a tough time.

You tell yourself that if you just give them a little more time, a little more space, a little more understanding, maybe they’ll finally come around and reveal their true selves, their true intentions, their true hearts.

You begin to feel empty, hollow, and lost. You start to doubt yourself, put yourself in the "Milhouse club."


You wonder if you’re actually just meant to be alone. (feelsbadman)

Limerence is a dangerous bitch because it blinds you to the reality of the situation.

It makes you lose yourself, it makes you forget who you are and what you truly want.

It makes you prioritise someone else’s needs over your own, and it makes you believe that their happiness is more important than your own.

Limerence is a reflection of our own inability to rely on ourselves. We create a a perfect person/ perfect situation to fix our shit.

It's a trap that can keep you from truly connecting with yourself and with others. It's a trap that can prevent you from experiencing the fullness of life, from embracing the imperfections of human connection, from discovering the beauty of genuine love.
Real love, I am still of the belief is something closer to this. But not doing it for the other person ![[Pasted image 20240828101908.png]]

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