Including some recorded disagreements

Standard Meeting / Comms Protocol

  • Each call is recorded with an AI notetaker (helps for follow ups)
    • Renee says she has one we can use? (using google meet)
    • I’ve heard Gong and Rumi are also good
  • Meeting structure pre-planned, or certain days a week = certain topics / action items
  • 10 minute catch up but try to be a little more disciplined, jump into action items asap

Start meetings with your 3-5 biggest anxieties, and 3-5 biggest dreams/curiosities


50 Questions for Co-Founders.pdf

@Madisen Taylor ^ part 13 AOR interesting

Our Rhythm

  • Late Nights, Early Birds
    • Sundays (NYC time) is Madisens late night
    • Fridays is Renee's late night


  • Slack is Our Stage
    • #media: Share cool finds, commentary, and references.
    • #partnerships collab and co-opetition ideas!
    • #reads articles, books etc
    • To decide- sharing task lists in #community? More visibility
  • Telegram

Daily banter, screenshots for marketing purposes

  • X

Madisen throws things in X, Renee curates the relevant, storing it in Notion or Slack depending on the content.